A Whole New World

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Truth Unveil Needs Time

Some times, you have to, even without being aware of, to wait for what you really need to know, as to save your life.

It took eight days for the public, those residents live in Harbin, one of the largest city in Northern China, to know that they will have to live a life without water for at least four days. The region was warned by the Local authority on 21st of November that the water supply to the city would be cut off for a Big maintenance.
Amid the resident's scare buying of bottled water or any liquid, like milk as to feed up the body rather by the local media's stuffs, there came the Truth. At second day, Harbin government acknowledged officially, that local water supply system was to shut off due to the concern for the public health that would be potentially affected by the lethal contaminants, released by the explosion of a petrochemical plant, located 380KMs upstreams of the city.
That plant exploded on 13rd of Nov.

That's to say, it took nine days for the public to reach the truth, on which their lifes would be relying.

Had it not for the sake of running speed of the contamination BENZENE slick, flowing towards downstream, which will hit the Ice City in nine days after the explosion, nobody knows how long would it take for the authority to change the statement of Maintenance to the Contamination.

Don't know whether the annual Ice-Festival in Harbin will still be celebrated or not. One thing we should feel luck, that no incident on BENZENE contamination in Harbin happened yet, thanks to the authorities' qucik emergency response system, one of the official interview said.

Don't know the Ice-Carve this winter time in Harbin will still be stunning as it was, really hope contaminants won't smear the surface. The light decorations on the carves make them shinning at night. People will be scared without lights among the sculptures, more than feeling cold, 'cause darkness will turn the bright snow-make figures looking frightened.

Without light, no Ice-City. Without snow, no Ice-Carve. Without both, no celebrity.

Truth unveils needs time.

At least we know this time, that it take nine days for water to travel from Jilin to Harbin, in winter time.

However, we yet to wait and to testify, how long will it take for us coming out of Winter of Trust-Crisis on official media.

The high-tech make us realised and awakened in a prompt manner in this time of event. People shared their directions on light, as well as their sentiment even hatred on clouds, everybody knows it will be passing through, like slick of BENZENE.

The brand new Harbin will be showing off the world, for sure!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Like always, any thing broadcasted from CCTV incured hot comments, and so it was to our Olympic Mascot unveilling. I don't want to re-iterate what others say in their post, since you could access by yourself. However, I myself may feel somewhat comfortable by writting these down.

---Mascot, "A person, animal, or object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports team."
---"Since the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France the Olympic Games have a mascot, usually an animal native to the area or occasionally human figures representing the cultural heritage."

Normally, there was just one mascot for the game, representing their national attribute or ethnic characteristic or just the simplicity of the Olympic Game; occasionally two, if they have multil attributes, seldom three, if they are abundant in characteristics, rarely four,... ...! and historically FIVE, that for 2008, from China.

Vast land with huge group deserve this. To help you to remember and understanding renditions The Five carrys, take some time:

---"They represent the enthusiasm and aspirations of our people"---which one?
---"They reflect the cultural diversity of China as a multiethnic country"---five is enough?
---The mascots were presented as Bei Bei, Jing Jing, Huan Huan, Ying Ying and Ni Ni - which, put together reads in Chinese "Beijing welcomes you!"---Western to learn Chinese,and take exams: TOCFL
---Panda, fish, Tibetan antelope, swallow and the Olympic flame, each one the color of one of the Olympic rings.---Yes
---Coloured in the five hues of the Olympic rings, the mascots also represent the sea, forests, fire, earth and air.---How & Which?
---Panda, fish, Tibetan antelope, swallow and the Olympic flame, representing happiness,prosperity,health,fortune, enthusiasm.---OK

Take care, Don't miss them up.!

Would be better if simplified.

Pretty sure will be appeared in National Examination, for blank filling...hahaha...
Pretty sure enterprises would be asked to show their patriotisms later on...

This can be deemed as a succeful balance to parties and satisfied, however, what we need most is not only to expose and present our Mascots to the outside world, the most important is to be financially balanced inside. And this is what The Five really intendedly undertakes. For this, five is not even enough. We Chinese people, like our nation, deserved to be blessed by much more than FIVE heritages.

May God bless the historical record profits be reaped by this historical number of Mascots, at least for the sake of our comperes, who have been showing, naively, yet not innocently, professionally tirelessly , audiences bunches of Panda-related images, even interviews carried out in ChenDu, where National Panda Research Institute stays, as well as Q&As interpreting why we can't chose our Panda ... ...Yes, like they said, Panda has already finished his role in Asian Games many years ago, it might be inappropriate ( or even China could be considered lack of species from which to choose) being chosen again.

But why,repeatedly, I got the same presentation ... ...!? I was nearly stunned when switched back right after unveiling, just to find those three comperes waving Mascots, ! I won't be feeling shame if you say i am a fool for can't find the trick that they did have known the answer.!

Panda or not, it's not the problem. Yet something gotta be improved.

Ah..!..., this time, I cried out for Peak!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Beach Of Zhou Shan Posted by Picasa

Distant View Of Beach Posted by Picasa


Beach of Zhou Shan Posted by Picasa

Beach Of Zhou Shan Posted by Picasa

Warship In Harbor Posted by Picasa

Beach View

Beach of Zhou Shan Posted by Picasa

Turfing In Front Of Guest House Posted by Picasa

A New Start

By using Google's Picasa, I found Hello, which then lead me to Blogger...
this is what NET world means ... MEET by VISITING
MSN is too splendid, a little bit Buzzy, too commercial.
Actually, I prefer the Templates that Blogger offers, makes your Blog prefessional like.

This is my new start in Blogger, after transfered those my posted on MSN.