A Whole New World

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

WIP - "Rescue Of Hommlet" - Rules And Scenario

In preparation for my first real foray into Greyhawk at GaryCon 2020, I've been reading the T1 "Village of Hommlet" module, as well as researching rules! My intent is to create an OD&D/Chainmail experience.

To that end, I've finished both the rules for combat and determined who will be present in the first Act of the game, as the Hommlet militia marches upon the Moathouse to deal with rumors of evil lurking.

My approach will be that all non-combat (melee, missile, movement, morale) related situations will be adjudicated using OD&D (1974 only) as the foundation. I think this will mainly relate to magic and general activities. There is some exploring that can happen during/after Act 1, depending on time and how things go. I'm wondering if time may run out before we can get to Act 2, the Temple's denizens marching in force on Hommlet!

When combat occurs, I am going to use a Chainmail-like combat approach. I have several inspirations and sources on the rules that I am going to use:
  • Kevin Cabai of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society - Midwest runs Chainmail games regularly at events across the region. His Middle Earth/Tolkein based scenarios like "Orcs Drift" and Second Age scenarios are great fun. He runs a modified version of Chainmail that is somewhat simpler and easy to run with. 
  • The booklet "Compleat Chainmail", edited by Aldarron of the OD&D Proboards forum - this booklet is a great resource for understanding how to use Chainmail in OD&D.
  • The booklet "Forbidden Lore" by Jason Vey - another great resource for Chainmail in OD&D.
  • The game "Book of War" by Daniel Collins - readers of my blog know how much I enjoy playing Book of War and respect it's simple, D&D compatible approach
  • "Goliath" and "Grognard" - a Chainmail "hack" and a Chainmail retroclone, compiled and created by krusader74 of the OD&D Proboards forum.
The biggest features/differences of my approach to using Chainmail for combat resolution are:
  • Simplified the rules to basics - morale, movement, missiles, melee. 
  • Instead of using Chainmail's mechanic of "roll x number of dice per y figures, must roll z or higher to hit", I'm simplifying to mashing together the "Compleat Chainmail" approach of "Fighting Capability" and Book of War's one number "Armor Hit" approach. To whit, each figure of a unit, each character and creature has a "fighting capability" number. This represents number of dice they can throw in combat (missile or melee). The Book of War "Armor Hit" is the target they must throw against to hit a particular defending/armor type.
  • Missile fire uses the melee mechanic. 
  • Morale is based on a fixed number for each type of unit
Here is a link to the rules as they stand right now. Note - this is to the actual Google Doc and you might/will see changes! You're very welcome to copy and fold/spindle/mutilate for your own game!

I will be play-testing these rules over the Christmas holidays with my friends from the NIFMA (Northern Illinois Fantasy Miniatures Association) - Art and Chris. Possibly Derek as well! 

For the order of battle, I've gone back through and brought my initial list in line with the combat rules from above and cross referencing against the T1 module to get their stats correct. Right now, this is how it looks:

Troop units - 8
Mercenaries (2) - 2 HF/HF (1 bow , 1 hurled, swords)

Militia (6) - 4 LF/LF , 1 Archers LF/LF (bow), 1 HF/LF 

Characters - 9
Leader - Rufus, Fighter 6 - FC 6 - HF/HF
(+1 chain, +1 battleaxe)

Merc Captain, Fighter 5 - FC 5 - HF/AF (+1 sword, +2 shield)

Elderly Farmer, Captain - Fighter 4 - FC 4 - HF/HF (Sword/Crossbow) [Militia]

Elmo, Ranger 4 - FC 4 - HF/AF (+1 chain, +2 shield, +1 battleaxe/+2 dagger) [Militia/Archers] 

Calmert, Cleric 3 - FC 2 - HF/AF  (+1 mace, holy water) [Militia] 

Brother Smyth, Druid 3 - FC 2 - LF/LF (quarterstaff, hammer) [Militia] 

Spugnoir, Magic User 2 - FC 1+1 - LF/Un (dagger) 

Furnock of Ferd, Thief 4 - FC 2+1 - LF/LF (short sword, ring of invisibility, scroll: prot/magic)

Not involved in Act 1
Terjon, Cleric 6
Burne - Magic User 8
Jaroo Ashstaff - Druid 7
Troop units - 7
"New Master" Guards (2) - HF/HF (2 crossbow)

Brigands (1) HF/LF (1 hurled) 

Bugbears/Gnolls (1) FC 2 - AF/HF

Undead - Zombies (1) FC 2 - HF/LF

Giant Rats (1) FC 1 - LF/LF (lurkers!)

Characters - 6
Leader - Lareth, Cleric 5 - FC 3+1 - HF/AF (staff of striking, mace, +1 plate) [Guards/Undead]

Lieutenant, Fighter 4 - FC 4 - HF/AF (sword, hand axe) [Guards]

Brigand Leader, Fighter 2 - FC 2 -  HF/HF (sword, spear) [Brigands] 

Zert - spy, Fighter 2 - FC 2 - HF/HF (sword, dagger)

Kobort, Fighter 2 - FC 2 - HF/AF (flail, axe)

Turuko, Monk 3 - FC 3 - HF/UnA

Creatures 6
Small Ogre (FC4, HF/HF)
Giant Lizard (FC4, HF/HF, SA: If all 4 dice hit, double damage)
4 Ghouls (FC2, LH/HH SA: Paralyze till touched by Hero+)

I have to tell you, I think the Hommlet forces are going to have a hard go of it. Not only with the ogre and lizard. Those four ghouls are going to cause some havoc unless Calmert can turn a few of them, which I will allow in accordance with OD&D rules! That's why I'll play-test, to see how this turns out!

Why am I excluding Terjon, Burne and Jaroo? From reading their descriptions in the module, I got the sense that they would not necessarily be all that interested in this jaunt. I am leaving them in the back of my head just in case they are needed to balance out things for the forces of Weal.

So what do you think?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Celebrating The 30Th Birthday Of Simon Jarrett

Today, the 16th of July 2018, Simon Jarrett would have turned 30. He never quite made it, the proposed treatment for his brain damage proving ineffective.

And yet he did. A Simon Jarrett made it to the ARK, facing eternity among the stars. Another(s), infinity below the sea, at least as long as the batteries last. But he didn't just live, he left a legacy. His scan, for a generation of programmers to use. The ARK, preserving humanity until the Sun burns out.

And you.

Simon lives on in every fanart, every mixtape and cosplay. He gets a different story in a fanfic, be it finding a cure, finding love, sometimes dying, yet still living on through those moments. You have taken him well beyond 4.0, and for that we are thankful.

As a small celebration we have collected 30 of some our favourite fan works of Simon, one for each year since his birth. In all honesty 30 is an arbitary number, a cutoff point to keep this post from being far too long. We love each and every one of your fan creations, as well as mods, meta commentary and even just coming together as a community.

From us, and from Simon: thank you!

PS. If you want to see more fan creations from SOMA, Amnesia games and Penumbra, we have an official Tumblr blog where we have collected your works from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Deviantart. The blog updates daily! (We might not have found your work, so please tag us on social media, or send us a message!)

Cosplay and art by Zerachielamora

Zerachieamora is one of the top creators in our community, having done cosplays of all our protagonists, as well as having time to run ask blogs and make art. Their stuff always has top-notch detail and creativity. We certainly hope our next protagonist will be cool enough to inspire them to make another cosplay!

You can also find Zerachielamora on Twitter, Instagram and Deviantart.

Okay, okay, almost done with the praise! Just one more thing we loved:

Art by Sketchinfun

Sketchinisfun has made a lot of awesome contributions to the fandom, such as Tiny Catherine, but this animation has to be our favourite - everyone knows just how much dedication that requires!

We also can't help but appreciate their take on Simon and Catherine's voice actors' coping mechanisms (which we cannot officially endorse):

Lumipaiio's forté is drawing incredibly dynamic Simons and Catherines. Just look at him go! It is so hard to pick a favourite!

Lumipaiio have also drawn an incredible concept called Leggy Catherine, among other things.

Plushie by DonutTyphoon


It's cute! It's small! It glows in the dark! It's a perfect boy.

Animation by Rabbitintheheadlights

Rabbitintheheadlights is asking the right questions. Note how we don't have mirrors in the early game?

Art by Bardicles

Bardicles draws the cutest little Simons, and keeps us entertained with their short comics!

Art by Shaidis

One of our favourite levels deserves some love, and Shaidis delivers! This piece is beautiful, and it is no wonder it shows up whenever you search for SOMA fanart.

Art by Rennerei

Is it a screenshot? Nope, just Rennerei working their magic!

This pick might be biased as our community manager has followed Rennerei since the early TBFP/Motorcity/TF2 days. It is truly inspiring to work on something, and then receive fanart from someone you admire.

You can also find Maren on Twitter and Instagram.

Pixel art by Adam Joe Pajor

Adam has done various cool pixel art pieces from SOMA, as well as Amnesia, which you should definitely check out in their Frictional tag on Tumblr.

You can also find Adam on Facebook!

Art by Dospeh

Doseph has made an incredible set of all our major protagonists that you can find in their Frictional Games tag. The detail, atmosphere and claustrophobia in the works is astonishing.

You can also follow them on Instagram.

Art by Fayren

Fayren does amazing original work, but it is an honour that they took time to create fanart for us.
They has also made another piece of SOMA fanart that we have up on our wall in the Malmö office.

You can also follow Fayren on Twitter.

Art by Mcfudgie


We're serious developers, but not too serious to enjoy some light-hearted wall punching! This is what any of us would do, isn't it?

Art by KylieRusek

Watch out, Simon, you're glitching out! Looking at your hands won't help you escape this nightmare.

You can find more art by KylieRusek on Twitter and Instagram.

Art by Wachtelspinat

These are some good, chunky boys - thank you Wachtelspinat! Knowing Simon, he would probably own that hoodie.

Cosplay by that-handmaid

The creatures at Pathos-II might be terrifying, but that carpet is even more so! But this Simon is braving it like a champ.

Art by Blenderweasel

Simon is an obviously unreliable narrator. He could have been a Roomba the whole time for all we know!

Cosplay by Essi.cosplay

Ess and her brother did an amazing job on the diving suit, down to the glowing eyes, WAU-infested trousers and even an Omnitool! And Simon eating pizza with a kawaii Reaper is the crossover we didn't know we wanted, but have now been enlightened.

Doll by Sadunacc

Sadunacc has created a lot of lovely fanarts, including some more beautiful Leggy Catherines. But this doll is so unique we had to share it - just look at it! A pocket-sized Simon!

Art by Piranyeaah

It is always cool to see artists' work progress - and for this work you can also see the progression shots! Piranyeaah did a lovely job capturing Simon's confusion.

Art by Snuffysbox

They are friends! They are on an adventure! And nothing bad will happen!

If you're Simon and I'm Simon... then are there also other Simons, possibly disguised as Roombas? Let's not think about that, and instead think about how nice it is to see all of them together.

Animation by Articlerotten

This is the smallest walk cycle of all time. And it's adorable.

Art by Talondoodle

Is this a Simon, or is this a squirrel? He sits silly, but we still love him.

Art by starchild_hiroto

If this won't make them get along, then nothing will.

Cosplay by Steampoweredwerehog

Inspiring people to push their limits and make something awesome is great! Steampoweredwerehog - if you're reading this, we'd love to see the final cosplay!

Art by S.paceheart

These were the good times! Glad to have them captured in a picture, forever in a state of ":D".

Animation by Cprartsalot

You can find all the SOMA pieces by Cprartsalot in their SOMA tag! But if we had to pick our favourite, it would be this one.

Minecraft skin by IcarianPrince

Simon Jarrett

Just look at that Minecraft boy go! Just don't stay underwater for too long, we can't guarantee this skin will make you into an actual diver.

Art by TigerSpuds


And to end things off, we present this piece of art. We can let Simon have a happy ending. At least for this one day.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Op Compass Game 8 - Don't Wake The Sergeant

After a few games clearing forts it was time to get back in the open desert, pack away those almost indestructible Matildas and break out the wafer thin armoured early Cruiser Tanks. Here is the scenario / orbat and AAR of Game 8 of our  Op Compass Campaign.

A9 Cruiser Tanks
If you want more information on the Campaign I have set up a separate page which is updated regularly with updates on rules along with links to all the previous games,


The games are based on an excellent book by Robert Avery which is available from The Toofatlardies, there is a direct link to purchase the 
book on the Resource Page.We use 28mm figures with this scenario taking place on an 12 x 6 table using a home brew set of rules, based on Iron Ivans Disposable Hero's.

A10 Cruiser Tank
Historical Background 

The Italian troops in the area had been bottled up in Sidi Barrani and the British paused to reorganise before making their attacks on the afternoon of the 10th December 1940. The defenders crumbled quickly and by night fall the last defenders of the town were pinned back to the sea.

Our game represents an attack by the Cruiser Tanks of 6 RTR against this final line of Italian troops. The original attack happened during the hours of darkness, I have decided to run the game under normal daylight rules.

Table Set Up and Terrain 

The photo above shows the table, we are playing on the full 12 x 6 layout. A flat area of desert with some undulating sand dunes and some areas of Scrub, a track runs down one edge of the table. I added two buildings post photo one in the far top right of the table and a second to the left of the green hill.

The following Special Rules are in force (see Resource Page for full details)

Bad Going

Italian Prisoners - when Italian Infantry become pinned roll 1d6, on a 5 or 6 the unit surrenders, add +2 to the die roll per additional pin. Once surrendered the unit will March towards the British entry point, it must be accompanied by a British Unit (within 9") until it leaves the table. 1 Tank can safely escort or hold 20 Figures of Italians. Once the prisoners leave the table the vehicles can resume normal duties.

Italian Artillery Crew Morale - they do not take morale tests and fight to the last man.

Dunes - all the hills are soft sand, any bad going rolls made on the hills are subject to a one shift on the dice. I.e. a roll of 3 and 4 on two d6 would not normally bog a vehicle down but a dune, the 3 is modified to a 4 to make it a double 4.

Italian Prisoners (marked with white counter) March towards the British 
British Briefing 

With the fall of the forts it's a case of mopping up the last bits of resistance in the area, Intel suggests there are some small Infantry units supported by a decent amount of Artillery. Be careful, your tanks are thinly armoured and not that reliable !

Squadron HQ 1 x A10 Cruiser Tank and 1 x A10 CS Tank
1st Troop - 3 x A9 Cruiser Tanks 
2nd Troop 3 x A10 Cruiser Tanks 

You have a two fold objective, One, destroy all the Italian Guns (Artillery and Anti Tank) and two, capture (alive) the Italian Captain who is sound asleep in the house at the opposite end of the table.

All units enter the table on the track, in column from the bottom left hand corner of the table (as viewed in the photo above).

A9 tank "Amos" in the dunes

Italian Briefing 

The lakes of Northern Italy seem a distant dream now and you long for home as this war goes from bad to worse.

You are in Command of a group of mixed Guns supported by some infantry units. Morale in the foot soldiers remains very low and you know they could break at any point. The pride in the Artillery units gives you some confidence but this is going to be a long day.

The Commander sleeps soundly whilst his driver waits outside.
Your Mission is to do as much damage as you can to the advancing enemy whilst keeping your Commander safe.

1 x HQ 2 Figures with Staff Car 
4 x 10 man Infantry Squads each with 1 Sgt with SMG and 9 Rifles 
2 x 47mm Anti Tank Guns and crew
2 x 65mm Infantry Guns and crew
2 x 75mm Fields Gun and crew

Free set up, all units begin the game hidden.

Italian Anti Tank Gun
How did we get on

The Italians set up with some infantry in the forward house, the oasis and the long sand dune, the final squad was guarding the Commander, the first three to act as Art observers. The Artillery was set up by the Commanders house whilst the Anti Tank Guns were both on the long sand dune. The Infantry Guns were split, One near the Oasis and one in the far top left palm grove.

Italian Infantry spotting for the guns

In what was going to be the first of many mechanical issues for the British one of the A10s broke down on the turn of the first event card.

A couple of A9s quickly located one of the Italian Squads.

Some sustained MG fire from the two tanks persuaded the Infantry to surrender and it was round 1 to the British.

It wasn't all plain sailing for the Brits as Italian Guns rained shells down on the advancing tanks.

Things got a little hairy for the prisoners (and the A9s) when some random Artillery rounds landed close by.

It wasn't long before the Italian Artillery hit home as a 75mm shell landed on the roof of one of the A10s.

One of the A9s located some Italian Infantry at the last minute hidden by the Oasis and was safe in the knowledge that they only had rifles.

What they didn't see was the Anti Tank Gun hidden in the dunes behind the Infantry.

The first line of the Italian positions were clear after the Infantry in the house surrendered and the remaining 6 British Tanks advanced towards their objectives.

The CS Tank remained near the base line, it's ranged capability allowed it to both support the attack with its 3 inch Howitzer and remain near the base line to escort the prisoners away.

The Brits approached the last Italian positions and we were in for an exciting conclusion.

The slower moving A10 Tanks ended up in a cross fire from the Anti Tank Guns on the dunes around the Commanders house, the Infantry Gun in the Palm Grove and the indirect Artillery. It didn't end well for the British who lost two tanks in quick succession (see first photo), One A10 was lost to an Artillery round which went off under it's right side track turning it over, the other from an Infantry Gun shell in its side (boy those Cruisers are thinly armoured)

It wasn't all Team Italy though and the remaining Anti Tank Guns were taken out by the British machine guns.

It was desperate stuff, the Italians only had one spotter left for two Artillery pieces and as a last ditch defensive move one of the 75mm guns exposed itself to the machine guns so it could fire over open sights. 

Just at that moment the above A9 set off to get a better shooting position at the gun, only it didn't move, years ground and engine smoked but it was completely broken.

The British had three tanks left now but the A10 CS was about 10 feet in table distance from the action and the other remaining A10 was bogged down near it's destroyed friends which just left 1 A9, the ever dependable "Arnold".

In a rather unfortunate twist of fate as the final A9 advanced towards it's final objective an Event Card draw came up, it was a breakdown, the British roll for how bad it was, a 6 was rolled, total mechanical break down and a very rare total victory for the Italian Forces.

So a 4 point victory for the Italians narrowing the scores for the campaign to a single game span, British 18 Italian 14.

Another extremely close game, both sides had chances to win. On table now is our traditional WW1 Mesopotamia game, expect some more Compass early in the new year.

Peter Dimitrov Lands Job At MilkyTea Studios!

Great to see our talented graduate @PeteDimitrovArt using his skills on new projects in the

Peter is a 3D environment artist and games designer and he's just joined the team at MilkyTea in the Baltic Triangle, Liverpool. The company are famous for 'Hyper Brawl Tournament, Coffin Dodgers and Roller Rally.
Huge Congratulations to Peter who has a real passion for art and games design. He created a great portfolio of work and it paid off.



Download BOS Wars 2.7 RTS For Windows

Bos Wars is still a nice fast-paced and somewhat lightweight RTS for you to enjoy, even though the sound mixing is still brutal but getting your hands on the latest Version for Windows is not as straightforward, as it was in 2010.

Thankfully, you can get a working version for Windows from Portableapps.

The cool 3D pixel soldier in the thumbnail above is from OpenGameArt by the way. Still kicking, old design and all.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ring Finally Addresses Its Privacy Concerns - Here'S How To Make Sure You'Re Protected - Ars Technica

Ring finally addresses its privacy concerns - here's how to make sure you're protected

Overkill's The Walking Dead - Review

overkill's the walking dead, overkill's the walking dead review, overkill's the walking dead ps4, overkill's the walking dead

Overkill's The Walking Dead - Review

Overkill's The Walking Dead is a sincere endeavor to convey a helpful adventure set in the notable Walking Dead universe, yet that effort feels somewhat like it's very little past the point of no return, as Overkill's The Walking Dead frequently doesn't feel like a shooter by any stretch of the imagination. It takes the rules built up by Robert Kirkman's comic series and its consequent TV adaption to heart in the wrong ways, forcing uneven decides on its missions that intensely restrict how you're able to play. Combined with a confounding combination of survival mechanics covered in unintuitive menus, useless customization choices, and non-existent incentives to enhance your gear, The Walking Dead feels foul and unfocused. 

Quick Facts:

  • Initial release date: 6 November 2018
  • Engine: Unreal Engine
  • Developer: Overkill Software
  • Genre: First-person shooter
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

 Overkill's The Walking Dead is a game about apparently thoughtless butcher with not very many plot strings drawing an obvious conclusion. There is no drama, there are no characters created crosswise over missions, and there is no nuance to for what reason you're killing people as promptly as you do the walkers. It has next to no to do with what makes The Walking Dead so incredible.

Also Read: Anthem | Preview, Release date, Gameplay, News, & more...

Overkill's the walking dead: Gameplay

The biggest enemy in The Walking Dead—besides, you know, the walking dead—is noise. Nothing floods the roads with zombies quicker than a noisy blast or a jukebox firing up a Queen track. most of the missions in The Walking Dead is a stealth mission. Basically, this makes the game fundamentally the same as Overkill's past co-op shooters, Payday and Payday 2. In those games, heists start out calmly until the point that an alarm gets activated and the best way to get out alive is to go loud.

Missions are diluted into more stealthy issues therefore, which can be somewhat engaging when you're working closely with teammates. As a major aspect of an efficient group you can keep noise to a minimum and dodge enemies completely, yet it generally just takes one player not sticking to the script to ruin a run. making the situation worse, there's no help for voice chat in-game nor some other approaches to communicate besides text talk, which is a huge bummer.

Check out this amazing gameplay from Polygon

Killing a couple of scattered zombies with baseball bats and blades is simple enough, however, in the end, somebody will make a noise calling for backup. Regardless of whether it's a gunshot, a blast, or a car alarm. If your group is messy, in the end the group will get too thick to battle at all, and the only wise thing left to do is run.

Even though fighting zombies is pretty simple, but you don't wanna get too close to them as they will grab you and will drain your health to a good amount as it takes some time to shove them off.

It's too awful that slaughtering zombies with melee weapons is so essential, though, because these weapons aren't much fun to use. There are machetes, baseball bats, and pickaxes, but they all feel clunky, and pretty much the same. And also fighting off thick crowds of zombies, again and again, becomes boring, but what satisfies me the most is the wooden tunk sound I get from smacking a zombie right in the skull.

Also Read: Hitman 2 | Review, Trailer, Gameplay & Everything else you need to know.

Overkill's The Walking Dead: Characters

In Overkill's The Walking Dead, you take control of one of four new characters, each with their own uninvolved weapon specializations and one of a kind aptitudes. For instance, Maya is the medic and her unique ability is tossing down a med bag that can heal up anybody in your group. Aiden, on the other hand, gets streak blasts that can daze human enemies and distract zombie crowds.

Each character is fun in their own particular manner and, in spite of their strengths, anybody can utilize any weapon you discover, giving them a helpful adaptability. The distinction, however, is that they won't have the capacity to apply any of their skill upgrades or passive rewards to upgrade a weapon outside their wheelhouse.

But beyond that, the difference between the characters are for the most part detail driven other than a solitary unique skill. 

From its restrictive mission structures, unbalanced difficulty and baffling methods of progression, The Walking Dead struggles to justify the time it requires from you. It's a collection gameplay diagrams stacked upon each other without insightful thought on how they may durably cooperate, wrapped with a dull presentation and ordinary combat that once in a while energizes. The Walking Dead is a wreck of scattered thoughts and an absence of direction, and there's no reason to make sense of it all.

Also Read: Resident Evil 2 Remake | Review, Trailer, Release date, News, Gameplay, and more...

The Verdict:

It's fun when you cooperate with friends and escape the horde of zombies by sneaky ways. But, it's all wrapped with a package of various disappointments: Technical issues, unavoidable repetition, and dull shooting experience.